Welcome! I'm Rebecca, my JOY is teaching others how to use Spiritual EFT for:

  • Channeling, Being Psychic, EFT Expert, and how to contact the "Other Side"
  • Spirit-led EFT Increases Your Psychic Gifts!
  • Spirit-led EFT Empowers You with Confidence!
  • Spirit-led EFT Aligns you with You More Prosperity!
  • Spirit-led EFT makes YOUR Life better in every way!

Here's what you get in the FREE EFT Mini-Course!

Almost INSTANTLY Transform your life!

Magical transformation techniques give you MORE of what YOU really want!

  • How to Have MORE Money!
  • More Love!
  • More Joy!
  • BONUS: 3 Ignored and Little-known ways to become a Rockstar Healer!
  • By Special Request: Sacred Atlantean Words of Power & Protection!

Reviews from Happy Clients

From Mimi N.

Boy were you so RIGHT ON! In the reading, you did for my friend, you hit the nail right on the head!

I can tell my friend is already much better due to your distance healing and psychic guidance! I'm always amazed at how you get the exact right guidance!

Mimi N.

(Mimi hired me to do healing for a friend. This is one of my favorite modalities!)

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you so much for the Yellow Tara readings. I was amazed at all of the wonderful information given with such clarity.

You and Yellow Tara were spot on with what was discussed. I have been working on these issues my entire life, and in the past year have greatly improved.

I will continue to work on these issues with the help of the Divine prescription I was given.

Thank you again for your wonderful insights and for this blessed and generous opportunity!

Love, Sandra

- A constant thought that I couldn’t escape from years ago has truly dissipated a lot constantly exhausted!

Hi Rebecca. I just want to update you.

- I HAVE NOT been feeling that dead beat exhausted feeling since the session.

- I DO NOT have a death wish

- A constant thought that I couldn’t escape from years ago has truly dissipated a lot.

Love, Sharon

From Rebecca: Sharon has a new will to live and more joy in her life than ever!


Dear Rebecca

I had the best thing happen from the blessing you gave from Spirit!

I have heart issues as you know and I had my appointment at the big hospital to check up on my pacemaker and artificial aorta and ...they took me off these awful heart drugs I had to take for years.

The drugs made me feel terrible and disconnected.

Not where I wanted to be as a psychic. It was a real yellow Tara miracle.

Then, just yesterday, I got this latest update from Sharon:

Dear Rebecca…

Of course. I even broke my curse at the casino. I never win so I hardly go but I went and I won $150 today. I love yellow Tara!

Love, S. H.

Physical Healing Videos:

Barbara Grace Healing Left knee, Entangled with X husband and fear of moving forward. Watch Healing Video

Physical Healing Videos:

Shelly Out of out-of-control sinus issues found related to old trauma.

Watch Healing Video

Emotional Healing Video:

DENKA, Fear of driving, related to past life trauma. VERY interesting! Must watch!

Watch Video

Healing Channeled Meditation:

Divine Mother meditation as She sings to you and sends you healing, So precious, it will make your day!

Watch Video

EFT, Spirituality, Channeling & Divine Guidance

merge to give you the BEST Energy Healing Anywhere.

EFT Experts

Created by Rebecca Marina

Copyright 2024 EFT Experts.

All Rights Reserved.